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Week 1 | 9/3 

keyword/s: hello


Readings: none

Task: Introduction to the course, one another, and expectations


Week 2 | 9/10                                                                              

keyword/s: lab / anti-colonial lab / feminist lab / experimentation




GOSH Manifesto


The Importance of Support: Building Foundations, Creating Community, Sustaining Movements


We need to break science out of its ivory tower – here’s one way to do this


Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, "Care Webs: Experiments in Creating Collective Access" from Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice 


Task: Create written frameworks for lab values, lab rules and guidelines (including but not limited to protocols for discussion and engagement). We will brainstorm and co-create these items as a classroom community, but each participant should come to lab with a draft of these items to contribute to the brainstorm. 




Week 3 | 9/17                                                                                 

keyword/s: sustenance  / creativity / indigenous futurity / infrastructure




Interrupting Bias: Calling Out vs. Calling In


Laboria Cuboniks, "Xenofeminism:A Politics for Alienation"


Whyte, Caldwell, and Schaefer, "Indigenous Lessons about Sustainability Are Not Just for 'All Humanity'"


Lauren Berlant, "The commons: Infrastructures for troubling times"


Task: Engage sustainability from multiple perspectives; co-create guidelines for how to do sustainability. 



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