Let the House of Body Fall, poetry collection

Let the House of Body Fall (New Issues Poetry & Prose 2018) is an exploration of physical disability in post-September 11th America. Throughout the book’s three sections, I use fragmentary, often chaotic structures to juxtapose the fall of the twin towers with narratives of a failing, disabled body inhabiting postindustrial landscapes. In Let the House of the Body Fall many elements and themes are brought into play: the body, environmental degradation, the way we name, order, and understand each of these elements through language.
I completed portions of this manuscript at The MacDowell Colony, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and Hedgebrook. Poems in this manuscript have been published in Guernica, The Cincinnati Review, VerseDaily, Omniverse and elsewhere.
Glacial (work in progress), poetry collection
Glacial investigates the intertwined histories of oil extraction, gas extraction, and sea-level rise in the United States. The book deals with the discourses of several historical actors, including The Standard Oil Company, Congressional Committees on Public Works and Environment, as well as women-settler oil farmers in Pennsylvania.
This work has been supported by The Anderson Center. Listen to a selection here.